Pow Wow
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Pow Wow Dance Competition & Drum Contest Rules

Please choose a competition:


  1. Points will be accumulated through participation in Grand Entries, intertribals, exhibitons, and contests.
  2. All dancers must register in their proper age category. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. Dancers in the Golden Age Category will be required to show proper ID. All other categories may also be required to show ID.
  3. Each dancer will be given one number at registration. Lost numbers will not be re-issued. 4. Numbers must be clearly visible at all times.
  4. Contest songs will be in rotation of drums. There will be no selecting of drums.
  5. If any major item of your regalia falls during competition, you will be disqualified for that session.
  6. There will be no fanning of drums and no whistles during the contests.
  7. All complaints concerning the contests must be aired directly after the contest song, otherwise all complaints will be void.
  8. Final decisions rest with the Head Judges.
  9. In the event of a dance-off, all dancers will be given two (2) chances to appear in the dance arena.
  10. Dancers be warned that any improper conduct will result in disqualification. The Pow Wow Committee will determine what is improper.
  11. Dancers observed as being under the influence of or using drugs or alcohol will be disqualified and removed immediately from the Pow Wow grounds.
  12. The rules for judging the contests requires that no family member, through blood, marriage or adoption, shall judge that particular contest which has a relative competing. If this should happen, and it is not detected prior to the start of the contest, and is however, discovered by the Head Judge, Arena Director, Tabulators, etc., the dancer will be disqualified for that session. We advise all dancers to assist in making sure this does not happen.
  13. All contest winners do not have to be full dress to receive honourariums, but must have their registration number during award presentations for verification purposes.
  14. These rules are the rules for dance competitions and will be followed to the letter.


  1. Intertribals will be four (4) times through.
  2. Contest songs will be four (4) times through. All contest songs will be rotation.
  3. Drums will sing in order assigned by Head Drum Judge.
  4. 10 Men singers maximum (Women backup singers don't count towards the drum group registered). 7 Men singers Minimum (not including women backup singers)
  5. NO DRUM HOPPING: Only registered singers should be singing at their drum at all times. The singing judge will be checking singers against registration forms throughout the weekend.
  6. Once registration closes on Saturday, no singers can be added or deleted from drum roster. Singers missing when it is your song will be noted accordingly throughout the weekend. It is your responsibility to ensure your registration list is correct.
  7. MC will note missing drums at drum roll call.
  8. Drum roll call will be 15 minutes before each Grand Entry
  9. All singers must be at the drum for drum roll call. If there are any singers missing at drum roll call, 2 points for each missing singer will be deducted.
  10. Honour songs will not be judged.
  11. CAUTION: Singers who are dancers: Beware that you are in fact entering two contests.
  12. No Alcohol or Drugs allowed.
  13. Intoxicants and or drugs, any drummer using these substances will cause themselves and the drum they are registered with, to be disqualified from further competition and evicted from the premises.
  14. Neatness, cleanliness and conduct around the drum will be judged.
  15. Must be ready to sing when called upon.
  16. Final decisions rest with the Head Drum Judge.

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